Day one of our two-day styled photoshoot was all about Tobias & Jess hanging out at the Greenstone Homestead and Station.
Both these guys met here, Tobias worked for Greenstone Station and Jess was brought up there and up until she graduated uni worked all her school and university holidays on the Station.
These guys aren’t used to being in front of a camera but are very comfortable on the farm so Michelle, Greenstone Homestead, and I thought we would start Day One just hanging out with the many horses on the Station, Tobias’ and Jess’s working dogs and around the Homestead.

Next minute Billy decided to show off some of his dance moves. Jess was wishing she had been warned.

MODELS: Jess and Tobias – you guys rock.
LOCATION: Greenstone Station – Michelle & Andrew Green and Percy Family made this perfect
PHOTOGRAPHER: Me 🙂 Would do it all again tomorrow.
Check out here for more information on getting married at Greenstone Homestead
Check out here for more images of Greenstone Stations